our mession & vission

we are a small group of friends and families that live in North America, we are seeking to help change the world one step at a time by supporting our brothers and sisters. This will be done through accommodations and charitable donations to improve their life to the better. Our vision and mission is to collect donations through various different projects, since our costs are very minimal for the transfer of funds, this allows us to maximize the amount of donations sent to the family in needs. All of our projects will be documented and we will include a proof of donation through issuing receipts with every transaction. We only deal with trusted individuals when transferring inorder to insure the funds are received in the right hands. Some of our projects that we plan on doing are: building a well,distribution of the Quran’s, putting the power back in the needys hands, building an orphanage which includes providing food, shelter, medication, and mental health programs. We are seekimg to bridge the gap between the communities and the mosques to unite muslims worldwide.

our strong team

We are a diversified team of ambitious and creative leaders. We aim high and motivate each other to always continue to learn and achieve the better. One thing we all share in common is our love towards helping others and our determination to empower them through various different projects and support systems. We thrive to create a strong foundation for others to rely on as well as create powerful and confident individuals that can be self sufficient . Our dynamic, varied characters, and your support fuel our success of making this world a better place.

donate now

our awesome team

with this team eveything will be as you want

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sarrah jakolo

front end

sarrah jakolo

back end

sarrah jakolo

ceo founder

sarrah jakolo

graphic designer